ARKA Wireless

ARKA Wireless


Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles On The Move

No need for 7/8 hrs wait at Charging Stations

A Game Changing Technology

No Need for large, expensive batteries

Wireless Portable robotic Chargers and more

The Founder and CEO Anand Vardhan in association with the University of Delhi ( Technology) has developed the revolutionary technology of “Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) ” and its commercial application for the Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles even on the move.

Arka Wireless, the technology of the next century rolls out :

“Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles (EVs) on the move as a Charging Service” on a pan-India basis with 667 Charging Hubs to be created in Mega Cities and on Expressways:

Our technology enables the wireless transformers embedded under the road to transmit Grid power wirelessly to the matching transformers installed underneath the EV driving atop the road, directly charging the onboard battery.

“Wireless Portable Chargers” for Static EVs comprising two-wheelers, three wheelers, and four-wheelers.

‘Wireless Charge’ for E-Buses and E-Trucks at Depots by Static embedded charging hubs.

‘Wireless Portable Static Robotic Chargers’ for high-end E-cars. This technological revolution of wireless charging hubs whether within the cities or on the highways will henceforth enable seamless driving as in the case of fossil fuel-driven vehicles across the country.

This will indeed eliminate ‘Range Anxiety’, prohibitive ‘cost of entry’, abnormally long hours 7 to 8 for EV charging at static Charging stations and the issue of seamless driving around the country.

With top up wireless charging Electric Vehicles will no longer require large size expensive batteries costing as high 50% of price of an EV. This will in turn drastically reduce EV prices.